Increased volume of the stomach after bariatric surgery |Prof.Mahmoud Zakaria
Increased volume (distention) of the stomach after bariatric surgery

Increased volume (distention) of the stomach after bariatric surgery

Laparoscopic obesity surgery is a safe and effective way to treat obesity and avoid or treat many chronic diseases related to obesity such as diabetes.

Bariatric surgery is the first step in a new life, so we must change our old food habits and our unhealthy lifestyle to reach the ideal weight and maintain it after the operation.

Most obesity surgeries (sleeve gastrectomy, bypass, SASI surgery, ……….) depend mainly on reducing the size of the stomach and making a small new stomach, which greatly reduces the amount of food that a person would eat after the operation, leading to losing excess weight.

The smaller the size of the new stomach, the better and stronger the result of the operation in losing excess weight and limiting the expansion of the stomach again. The stomach tissue can expand, and it is normal for the stomach to increase in size a year after the operation, but this increase should not exceed reasonable limits.

As long as the operation is performed efficiently and the person adhered to the instructions after the operation, it is certain that the gradual increase in the size of the stomach will be slight.





Constant pressure on the stomach wall is a major reason for the stomach to increase in size and expand after obesity operations.

If the amount of food is constantly greater than the size of the stomach, this expands the stomach, so it is advised to stop eating or drinking before feeling full, discomfort, or pain in the epigastrium.

  1. Important instructions to avoid stomach expansion and enlargement after bariatric surgery:
  2. You must chew food well and get used to eating slowly.
  3. Eat 6 small meals a day. you should not cancel any meal.
  4. Eat on a small plate with a small spoon. Eat the meal for 20 minutes at least.
  5.  Do not drink half an hour before eating, during, and an hour after eating.
  6. Do not put pressure on your stomach by stopping eating or drinking before feeling full, uncomfortable, or getting epigastric pain.
  7. Avoid soft drinks, fizzy drinks, chewing gum, and smoking.
  8. If vomiting occurs once when eating for the first time, this food should be avoided for at least two weeks. If recurrence occurs, your doctor should be consulted.

The most important tips for changing bad eating habits and having a healthy lifestyle:


  •  Exercising regularly helps to lose weight and have a perfect body.
  • Reducing sweets and juices.
  • Reducing fatty and fried food.
  • Reduce fast-food consumption (prepare your healthy food and take it with you when you are outside)
  •  Do not put pressure on your stomach by stopping eating or drinking before feeling full, uncomfortable, or getting epigastric pain.
  • Avoid eating at night have your dinner before 8 pm.
  • At least 3 hours should elapse between eating and sleeping.
  • Sleep for 8 consecutive hours at night.
  • Make sure you have breakfast.
  •  Exercising is very important after obesity surgeries because of its great role in increasing the rate of burning calories, improving body shape, tightening the contours, improving heart capabilities, and reducing stress
  •  We recommend walking two hours after the operation for 5 minutes every two hours, to prevent clots from forming in the leg veins.
  • We recommend walking daily for 10 minutes to half an hour, preferably in the morning (regular brisk walking) after discharge from the hospital.
  •  Two months after the operation, you can practice weightlifting aerobic exercises, swimming, Swedish exercises, jogging, or other sport.
  • Exercising regularly (at least 3 times a week) increases the rate of burning calories, so it aids in weight loss.
  • Some people after obesity operations suffer from a weight-loss plateau (your weight does not decrease) which occurs even when you eat the same small amount of food, because there is a significant decrease in the rate of burning calories, due to the rapid weight loss. your body seems to stop responding to the changes you make in your diet to maintain itself.
  • -Exercising, especially walking, running, and aerobic exercises are the solution to increasing the rate of burning calories and Breaking the weight loss plateau.
  • -Weightlifting, Swedish exercises, and aerobic exercises help build muscle mass, tighten sagging during weight loss, and have a beautiful athletic body.

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